Socially Responsible Investing

For investors seeking capital growth, whilst looking to invest in a portfolio that aims to make a positive impact on the World in which we live, we offer two portfolios, which are risk-rated.

In both of our Socially Responsible Investment (SRI) portfolios, we look to invest the majority of the portfolio in funds that either have a defined Ethical or Socially Responsible investment screening process, or in funds that pass rigorous analysis of the Economic, Social and Governance factors relating to that fund. We are committed to being a responsible investor.

Future Balanced

This portfolio is designed to provide growth over the longer term, with medium levels of investment risk, by investing in Collective Investments holding a blend of UK Equities, Global Equities, Corporate Bonds and Infrastructure investments. The portfolio will be invested in funds that pass the additional SRI filtering process defined by the Investment Committee, and as it will be invested in both active and passively managed funds, it provides a cost effective solution. Up to 60% of the portfolio by weight is invested in Equities.

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Future Progressive

This portfolio is designed to provide growth over the longer term, with medium to high levels of investment risk, by investing in Collective Investments holding a blend of UK Equities, Global Equities, Corporate Bonds and Infrastructure investments. The portfolio will be invested in funds that pass the additional SRI filtering process defined by the Investment Committee, and as it will be invested in both active and passively managed funds, it provides a cost effective solution. Up to 80% of the portfolio by weight is invested in Equities.

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